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Game Name : Tenchu 2 : Birth Of The Assassins
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2004-10-12 15:55:58
Views : 26411

Automatic stealth kill
You do not need to pull out your weapons to perform a stealth kill. Run to the enemy and press Attack. Your weapons will instantaneously be drawn out, and you will perform the stealth kill.

Easy kills
Hit an enemy who is not aware of your presence in the head with a blow gun dart to automatically kill them.

High jump
If you are in certain levels (Quarantine Village, Laborers), you do not need a grappling hook to get on to the roof of a house. Run up to the wall, face it, and jump. Your character will jump twice the normal height of the usual jump and land on top of the roof without hanging on the side.

Stealth kills
You can get the different stealth kills by being in the correct position in relation to the enemy.

Easy stealth kills
Sneak up from behind.

Sneak up from behind and crouch.

Jump on enemy, while pressing Attack in mid-air.

Moderate stealth kills
Sneak from the side.

Hard stealth kills
Sneak from front (or wait for them to turn around into you). This must be timed perfectly.

European castle in mission editor
Successfully complete the game with all three characters.

Copy Missions from Cd in Mission Editor
At mission settings menu, hold Circle and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right.

Increase Item Inventory by 1
At item selection screen, hold R1 and Square and press Right, Down, Left, Up.

Unlock All missions in Mission Editor
At Custom Mission screen, hold R2 and Circle and press Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Left.

Show Entire Map
During the game, hold select to view the map and press Circle five time.

Unlock All Ninja Items
At item selection screen, press Square, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Left, Up, Down, Right, R2, R2.

Regain health
Pausing the game and holding square, and then pressing Left, Right, Up, Down will restore your health.

Get Tatsumaru-without beating game
At the level select screen, hold Square + Circle and press R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down, Left,Right, Select. This code is the Alternate way of getting Tatsumaru without having to beat the game with Ayame,and Rikimaru. (if there is a problem,Try putting in the level select codes in for each Character first, then this code, I put it in after that, but it may work without it)

Play as Tatsumaru
Successfully complete the game with both Rikimaru and Ayame.

Office tileset
Enter the mission editor and select "Edit Mission". Highlight the "New Mission" selection, then hold L2 and press Circle, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

More options in mission editor
Simply advance in the game to get more options in the mission editor. As your character reaches new levels with new tilesets, the same tileset will then be available in the editor.

Level select
At the map screen, hold R1 and press Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Square, Down, Up, X.

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Tenchu 2 : Birth Of The Assassins Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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